Monday, September 27, 2010

What I did on the weekend or at the weekend

Hi guys!

Welcome back to my magnificent blog again! I hope you are all doing well. I'm currently sitting near my bed writing this diary. As I write it is 20 to 9. I'm sitting here on my own because almost every person in my house is not too far off for sleep and hitting the hay and perhaps every single of them needs to get some kip by now, but I don't and I know for sure that I don't since I am a past my bed time and I have a difficulty time going to bed early. Oops! I'm not sure if this is a good idea telling you this. Perhaps, next time when I see you during the day and tell you that I am tired, you would not feel sorry for me. Anyhoo, I think I have bored you enough and I think I need to get about what I want to write about my great weekend.  

So on Saturday, I slept in, but not as late as 2 weeks ago. I didn't know why, but that's what happened. Next, I went to eat chicken at Lucky Burgers with my friend, Jerome. Then, Mark and Jesse came to meet me because they were absolutely relying on me to go help them buy something near the Central market. They wanted me to help bargain. We set out for the Central market. When we got there, I did not have a clue what I was meant to do because my natural temperament is I really stink at bargaining. So, Mark and Jesse had to bargain by themselves with absolute no help from me. They were trying to buy a small guitar, I forgot what is called.

After that, I and Jerome had to go home because my English mom told me to remove my friend's wardrobe from her room. We got home, started to remove the wardrobe; it was hard work. We had to be very careful and we had to try to be super creative in order to get that stinking wardrobe out of my friend's room. We managed to do that though.

Next, we drove to the airport to watch planes take off and land! How awesome was that! That was our plan. We had planed it for 3 weeks straight. Man, you would not believe how great it was! It was a tremendous blessing to get to see planes take off and land. We were completely and totally riveted! We were absolutely captivated by planes!

Later on that day, we drove back home, ate dinner with my awesome family. Then, we drove to an ice cream shop called Chill. It has really good ice cream. We had fun. It was a great weekend.

That's it I suppose. I hope you enjoyed my magnificent diary. Have a good day. God bless you.

Dong Heng

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What occurred today

Hi guys!

It's me again. As I write it is Saturday night. It is now 11 on the dot, but I don't know if it is on your watch or clock. Never mind. I do not think you really care. Anyhoo, let me tell you a little about what I did today.

This morning, I slept till 10:30. It was not normal because I don't usually sleep until that late, but I did this morning and I was very impressed when I opened my eyes and looked at my clock and found out that it was 10:30. After that, my English mom's old student came to visit her. I joined the conversation for like 15 minutes. Then, I called my son, Jerome to welcome him to my prosperity neighborhood. He moved into my neighborhood this morning. When he answered his phone, I found out that he was not home, he was at Yejj, a nice restaurant here in Phnom Penh. Next, I went to the Russian market to consume my daily lunch, noodle stir fry with beef and a glass of iced coffee with sweetened condensed milk. It was exceedingly delicious! I could not finish it since my regular lady gave me so much! I felt bad not finishing it because she might have thought it had not been good or I might have gotten sick of it since I eat it virtually everyday. After I was done eating my lunch, I walked to Yejj to meet Mark, my old counterfeit boss and Jerome, my Kiwi son. When I got there, he and Jerome were not eating and I did not see any food and automatically thought that they were done eating. Then, I sat down and began having a conversation with them and found out that they had not eaten their lunch yet because the food still had not arrived! That was odd! Next, I think 30 minutes later, they found out that their order was given to two awesome men who sat by them. Those two awesome men ate their food even if they did not order it? Never mind. It took a lot of patience for Mark and Jerome not pulverize those two awesome men. Kidding. I don't think Mark and Jerome were exceedingly mad at them. After we left the restaurant, we went to look at a mattress, so we got there and we looked at different mattresses in someone's house and did not find what Mark wanted. Later on this afternoon, we went to a friend's birthday party. It was fun! They were too many people there. There was not plenty room for us to sit and join them, so we had to sit a bit far from them, but we were fine. We did not get offended. After the birthday party, we drove back home. When we arrived home, the heaven started to open. It was not raining tigers and elephants though. Then, my friends came over and ate supper with my magnificent family. It was pretty fun day.

Alright, that's it for tonight. I hope you enjoy reading this dynamic diary.

Have a good day. God bless you.

Dong Heng

Friday, September 17, 2010

My diary inspired by the Holy Ghost!

Hello Folk!

Welcome to my magnificent blog! I'm very excited about this blog since it is now a great way for me to improve my writing. And I can also do this to kill time and kill my boredom. Hallelujah!

As I write it is Friday night! Hallelujah! Friday means a lot to me this year. I'm actually walking on air now even though I am sitting down writing this. I'm stoked. Lol! I hope you are laughing your nose off as you are reading this dynamic diary! I'm really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Man, I can feel it in my teeth! Uh oh! I'm sorry for corrupting English! I'm just pulling your arm though. I really thank God for giving me two days to rest.

Anyhoo, I have had face for more than three years now, but I never had a blog before. Now, I do! Isn't that cool?  

Let me tell you about my life and my job this year. I'm still working at Hope school, an excellent place to be! I'm working with Year 6 which is 5th grade for Americans.  I am enjoying it since the Teacher is an American and more importantly, I have a chance to learn American English. You have to make sure your Bible is right under your nose and you have to remind your self that you are living before the audience of one if you are reading this controversial diary and especially if you are not American. Ha ha! I'm as mad as a hatter, aren't I? 

Let me tell you about my daily routine on weekdays. I get up at 05:50 am, for I have to get to Hope at 06:35. I must do this each and every morning since it is my job and it is womandatory! After I return to Hope, I consume breakfast, rice with pork and iced coffee with sweetened condensed milk. Man, it is already making my mouth water! They are really, very tasty! Iced coffee with sweetened condensed milk is exceedingly good and the icing on the cake is I find it gooder than Frappachino and it is reasonable and it, too, does not cost an ear and a nose. I'm sure some of you here know how good they are if you have lived or used to live or stayed here very shortly in Cambodia and have consumed or consumed or used to consume them. You just have to forgive me. I just love to write English! 

I'm presently eating lunch at the Russian market, noodle stir fry with beef. It is also exceedingly delicious! The market is three minutes from my place of work by my impeccable bike! I go there practically everyday with my greatest Kiwi son, Jerome! We always have a glass of iced coffee with sweetened condensed milk after we consume the gorgeous noodle! We have been eating this for 2 months or possibly longer than that as far as I remember so far and we have been astonishing Ready, my colleague by eating it virtually everyday. He comes to eat with us sporadically. Sometimes when he says he wants to come, we get startled!

What else is new? Oh! God brought me a very good friend, Jerome who I practically consider as my son. Seriously, I wish he were my own son! He is not American, but he is the greatest, so it does not matter. I'm kidding, Jerome. Don't get offended.

That's all I can think of for tonight. I wish I could keep writing and continue making you laugh your nose off!

Have a good day. God bless you.

Dong Heng